hotel lobby

Clean and Safe Guest Experiences Lead to More Memorable Stays


Cleanliness and hygiene are big influencers on where travellers decide to stay. Intensive room cleaning is now a top priority in the years to come1. With increasing pressure on the bottom line, facilities look for products and services to deliver higher cleaning quality more efficiently. So whether a facility is a five-star resort or a budget inn, guests expect clean facilities. The challenge for management and housekeeping staff is to provide this expected level of hygiene at a manageable cost. Tork, Essity’s global leading professional hygiene brand, provides products and systems specifically designed to meet these challenges.

How Tork supports the hygiene and business goals of the Hotel segment

Hotels are extremely sensitive to guest complaints as well as to travel site recommendations. Consistent cleaning quality is essential for a satisfying guest experience, but sustainability and style are equally important. Tork’s stylish, sustainable solutions help employees work more proactively with less time and effort.

Being a global brand, we understand the main challenges and trends from the hospitality environment:

  • Increased hygiene expectations: there is now a higher hygiene expectation from guests and it helps to have clear communication about your hygiene practices. Ensuring a good first impression is crucial. Tork hygiene products and services help achieve this – from the lobby entrance to the guest room.
  • Going beyond the guest room: hotel revenue increasingly comes from food and drinks– not just rooms. Attracting local customers in addition to travellers is essential to success. Tork products project a high-quality image from restaurant tables to washrooms, reduce mess in self-service areas and save staff time that can be spent on improving service.
  • Higher demands with constrained resources: as hotels add more features to compete for guests and generate additional revenue, they have to operate with the same or fewer resources. Recruiting, retaining and training staff are major challenges for hotels – especially since there are often language constraints. Hotels actively seek smarter ways of working and new technologies to increase productivity while adding value for guests. Tork hygiene solutions offer better cost-in-use and free up time for staff to focus on other priorities.
  • Sell sustainability: 85% of guests prefer to stay at a hotel that uses sustainable products.2 Companies looking to host meetings and events increasingly take sustainability into account. Hotels have to showcase their sustainability efforts. That’s why Tork, as a part of Essity, one of the world’s most sustainable global hygiene and health companies, is committed to offering sustainable options across its product lines, including recycled and compostable materials, and responsibly sourced fibres – with many carrying environmental certifications.

Tork solutions cover the whole hotel facility needs:

  • Guest rooms and housekeeping: meet and exceed guest expectations with Tork products and services that are convenient and luxurious yet efficient to replace and refill.
  • Kitchen: optimise workflow, prevent cross contamination, improve hand hygiene.
  • Common areas (restaurant, lobby, event area, washroom): deliver a good first impression at check-in that’s reinforced throughout the stay by Tork hygiene systems and guest amenities.

Get in touch with our Sales Representatives to learn more about how Tork can improve your business.

1 McKinsey & Company: Leisure Travel Survey, which surveyed 3,498 travellers from five countries in April 2020.

2 Based on third-party market research in the USA and Europe, 2020

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